What We Believe
At St. Andrew United Church of Christ we live out our core values every day. We believe all are welcome and united by God’s love. For St. Andrew, Justice and Jesus are inseparable.
We Believe…
… that faith is a matter of heart and mind.
… that taking the Bible seriously does not mean taking it literally.
… that God embraces all people equally.
… that we are called to be nothing less than global citizens.
… that the social expression of love is justice.
… that every generation is called to discover new faith traditions.
… God continues to speak through the actions and words of persons today, just as in times of old.
Our core values
Just Peace
We are a Just Peace church. We promote peace with justice (a just peace) as an expression of God’s love, and we support peaceful opposition to intolerance, injustice, discrimination, violence, and war.
Open and Affirming
We are an Open and Affirming church. We covenant to affirm and welcome visitors, members, and staff of all sexual orientations and gender identities, just as we extend the same loving affirmation and welcome to people of every age, faith, race, ethnicity, sex, nationality, marital status, and physical or mental ability.
In process: Creation Justice
Creation Justice is a UCC Denominational program designed to encourage churches to be more proactive with regard to the environment—get rid of plastics, reduce energy usage, etc. We at St Andrew have begun incorporating this program into our practices. We have LED lighting in most locations, encourage recycling of waste, and minimize use of paper, plastic and foam cups in the kitchen. We can’t call ourselves a Creation Justice Church yet, but we are in the process.
Missions and Outreach
We believe that we, the Church, are the Body of Christ on Earth. As such we take seriously our mission to witness and to serve.
One means of service is our Monthly Mission. Each month we select a particular outreach—of our church or our local community—for special support. For more information about our current Monthly Mission, see our Giving page.
The United Church of Christ
The United Church of Christ is a mainline Protestant denomination with one million members in over 5,500 congregations. Formed in 1957 as a merger of the Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian Churches, we trace our roots back to the Protestant Reformation, yet also incorporate modern Christian traditions.
We were among the first Americans to take a stand against slavery (1700), the first to ordain an African American as pastor (1785), the first to ordain a woman (1853), the first to ordain an openly gay person (1972). We took historic stances in the civil rights movement (1969) and to support same-gender marriage equality (2005).
Today, we extend an extravagant welcome to all God’s people.
God is still speaking
"Never place a period where God has placed a comma."
-Gracie Allen