Bylaws of St. Andrew UCC
ART I Membership 2
ART II Governing Body
ART III Meetings
ART IV Minister
ART V Church Council
ART VI Officers
ART VII Other Council Members
ART IX Other Committees
ART X Florida Conference
ART XI Property
ART XII Amendments
ART XIII Parliamentary Authority
Amendment Dates:
Adopted May 14, 1970
Revised October 29, 1989
Revised March 27, 1995
Amended March 24,1997
Amended February 10, 2000
Amended September 24, 2000
Amended March 17, 2002
Revised November 17, 2008
Revised March 25, 2018
Membership in this church is open to any person who has been baptized, has been confirmed, or has made public confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. St. Andrew United Church of Christ is an Open and Affirming church in accordance with the gospel that binds us into unity. Membership is open to all without regard to race, sex, age, faith, ethnicity, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or physical or mental ability.
A member of another church who wishes to maintain membership in that church may request affiliate membership in this church.
Suitable orientation in the background, beliefs and structure of the United Church of Christ and St. Andrew UCC will be conducted for new members. Periodically, new members will be received during a service of worship.
Members will promise to attend the regular worship services of the church and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, to live a Christian life, to share in the life and work of the church, to contribute to its support and the ministry of its mission and to seek the spiritual welfare of the membership and the community.
Members are encouraged to participate in the life of the congregation by attending meetings of the various boards with the exception of the Board of Pastor-Parish Relations.
Members and affiliate members may act and vote at duly called meetings of the congregation.
Any change of membership status will be reported at the next annual meeting.
a) Transfer – Any member who desires a letter of transfer to another church is entitled to receive a letter upon written request to St. Andrew UCC. The clerk will see that a letter of transfer is sent to the new church. The Board of Deacons will be informed of this transfer.
b) Release – A member who requests to be released from membership should do so in writing. The church will endeavor to secure his or her continuance in fellowship. Failing in such an effort, the Board of Deacons will grant the request and will send written notice of this release to the member.
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c) Removal – If a member persistently breaches his or her covenant vows, the Board of Deacons may recommend termination of membership. This action may be taken only after due notice, a hearing with the Board of Deacons has been offered, and efforts to achieve an agreement to resolve the breach have been unsuccessful.
Likewise, a member who has been inactive in attendance and support for a period of two years may, by recommendation of the membership committee with the approval of the Board of Deacons, be considered for removal from the membership roll.
d) Reinstatement – Anyone who desires to have his or her membership reinstated should request it in writing. The request will be referred to the Board of Deacons for action.
The governing body of this church will be those members participating by attendance in a called church meeting. The vote of a majority of members participating will be the action of the church, unless otherwise provided in the bylaws. A quorum at such a called church meeting will consist of 25 percent of the current membership roll.
The annual meeting of church members will be for the purpose of election of officers and other elected positions, adoption of the annual budget as presented, acceptance of annual reports from officers, boards and committees and any other business that the church council deems necessary. The council may specify when paper ballots will be used.
The annual meeting of the church will be held no later than the 31st of March. The church council will set the exact date. The fiscal year of the church will begin on April 1.
The clerk will be responsible for sending a written notice to all church members announcing the annual meeting at least 14 days in advance of the meeting. The notice will contain the agenda and list all items to be voted upon.
Copies of the written annual reports, as well as budgets, nominations, and motions to be voted upon, will be made available in the church two Sundays prior to the annual meeting.
The annual congregational meeting will be announced from the pulpit at a regular service two Sundays prior to the annual meeting.
Any agenda item to be voted upon at the annual meeting must first be approved by the council, except for those items added by petition of the membership.
An item may be added to the agenda through a petition signed by 30 percent of the membership. The clerk must receive this petition at least 45 days before the annual meeting, and will inform the council of the petition after verification of membership of those who signed.
The terms of all elected officers, board, and committee members will begin on the first day of April following election.
Special meetings of the congregation may be called by the church council or by request with a signed petition that represents 30 percent of the membership. Special meetings will follow annual meeting procedures as specified in the previous Article III, Section 1, paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 6.
The Minister will serve as spiritual leader, teacher and counselor of the church. The minister must be an ordained minister, must become a member of St. Andrew United Church of Christ, and must not attempt to sever the church’s relations with the United Church of Christ. He/She must adhere to the terms and conditions of the minister’s letter of call and the church bylaws.
Section 1 – CALL
When a vacancy in the office of minister occurs, the council will appoint a search committee to seek a candidate (See Article IX, Other Committees, Section 1) and the search committee will notify the Florida Conference of the United Church of Christ in writing of the vacancy.
The minister will be called for an indefinite period of time by a two-thirds favorable vote of the members participating at a duly called meeting of the congregation. The letter or call to the minister will include salary, living accommodations or housing allowance, moving expenses, car allowance, pension and insurance payments, and other terms agreed upon between the candidate and the search committee. The committee will seek to follow the compensation guidelines provided by the Florida Conference as approved by the council and the Board of Finance.
The Florida Conference will be invited to install the minister in accordance with established practice.
The church may, at its discretion, choose an associate, assistant, or co-minister in which case the same procedure of searching and calling will be followed,
The minister will seek to enlist followers of Christ, preach the gospel, administer the sacraments and be responsible for all services of public worship. The minister will coordinate the activities of the church in cooperation with its officers, boards and committees and may exercise the privileges of counselor and religious teacher in public and in private.
The minister will be an ex-officio advisory member of the church council and all boards and committees with the exception of the Search committee. The minister may not vote nor be counted to establish a quorum on these boards or committees.
The minister will meet with the Pastor-Parish Relations Board on a periodic basis to assist in its ongoing efforts to evaluate the total ministry of the church. It is expected that this will be the primary venue for resolution of any tension between the minister and members of the congregation or with the council, boards, committees or staff.
The minister will hold and administer the Samaritan Fund, which will be used for emergency needs of persons in distress. It will be replenished from time to time by special offerings. The minister may call upon the chairperson or vice chairperson of the Board of Deacons for guidance in the use of this fund.
The minister will have primary supervisory responsibility for the paid staff in their day-to-day activities. A job description, including an evaluation procedure, for all employed staff positions, will be maintained.
Should the church council contemplate terminating the employment of the minister, a special meeting of the congregation must be called. After the case for dismissal has been presented, a vote will be taken by paper ballot and must be carried by two-thirds of those participating at the meeting. The moderator will notify the minister of the action of the church and give written notice according to the terms of the call in the event the minister is to be released.
A minister may resign upon giving written notice to the council according to the terms of the call or for a shorter period when granted by the council. In case of loss of ministerial standing by the minister, relations with St. Andrew UCC will cease at once.
The Church Council is the executive body of St. Andrew UCC church. It is the function of the council to identify and oversee the mission of the church.
The council will be composed of the moderator, moderator elect, past moderator, clerk, treasurer, financial secretary, the chairs of the Boards of Christian Education, Deacons, Church Fellowship, Missions and Outreach, Pastor-Parish Relations, Finance, Trustees and the members-at-large as voting members. The minister will be an ex-officio member. If an individual holds two or more positions he/she may cast only one vote.
The council will meet monthly unless otherwise called by the council or moderator. A majority of members of the council will constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.
The council may act for the church in all matters except buying or selling real property, calling or dismissing the minister and other actions specified in the bylaws. The governing body must act upon these matters. The clerk will keep a complete and accurate record of all proceedings. All acts of the council are subject to the will or revision of the governing body.
Meetings of council will be open to members and friends of the congregation except that the council may, by motion, go into executive (closed) session to consider personnel matters, Pastor-Parish Relations Board matters or other sensitive issues. The council will review for action all personnel matters as recommended by the Pastor-Parish Relations Board.
The council is responsible for creating and maintaining programs, facilities and a church community in which members, friends, staff and volunteers can worship, learn and work together in an atmosphere free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, exploitation or intimidation, according to the UCC “Safe Church Policy”.
The council will be responsible, with the minister, for the employment of all staff.
The Executive Committee of the church council consists of the moderator as chair, the moderator elect, the clerk, and the treasurer. The minister is an ex-officio member. The committee’s principal responsibility is to handle matters needing immediate attention prior to the next council meeting. Its decisions are subject to review by council.
Officers of the church must be members of St. Andrew United Church of Christ.
Section 1 – MODERATOR
The moderator of the congregation will be elected at the annual meeting for a one- year term and may be reelected for one year. The moderator will preside over all regular and special meetings of the congregation and at all regular and special meetings of the church council.
The moderator will appoint official delegates to represent St. Andrew UCC at conference and ecumenical events, with approval of the council. The moderator is an ex- officio member of all boards and committees. The moderator will serve in an advisory capacity to the minister in the overall coordination of the various activities of the church.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of moderator, the moderator elect will succeed to this office. In the absence of both the moderator and moderator elect, the chairman of the Board of Deacons will preside at all meetings of the congregation and the church council.
Section 2 – CLERK
The clerk will be elected at the annual meeting to serve one year, and may be reelected. The clerk will attend all regular and special meetings of the church and the church council, keep an accurate record of all proceedings and will be responsible for seeing that all written notices are sent out as stipulated in the bylaws. If the clerk is unable to attend a meeting, the moderator will appoint a substitute.
The clerk will have custody of the corporate seal (located in the Finance Room), and sign contracts and other required legal documents.
The clerk will be a member of the Membership Committee.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of clerk, the council will appoint an interim clerk to serve until the next annual meeting.
Section 3 – TREASURER
The treasurer will be elected at the annual meeting for a one-year term and may be re-elected. The treasurer will have custody of all money belonging to the church unless otherwise stated in the bylaws. The treasurer will pay all invoices authorized by persons having spending authority (e.g. board or committee chairs) and keep an accurate account of all disbursements. The treasurer will also account for all investment income. The treasurer will prepare financial reports for each meeting of the council and for the annual meeting. The treasurer will make the financial records available for inspection by any member of the church or any other person authorized by the council.
The treasurer will be a member of the Board of Finance.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of treasurer, the council will appoint an interim treasurer to serve until the next annual meeting.
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The financial secretary will be elected at the annual meeting for a one-year term and may be re-elected. The financial secretary will collect all income from pledges, offerings, endowments, gifts and all other money, unless otherwise stipulated in the bylaws, and deposit such income in accounts established by the treasurer and approved by the council. The financial secretary will keep accurate account of all collected income and deposits. The council, if deemed necessary, may appoint an Assistant Financial Secretary.
The financial secretary will be a member of the Board of Finance, and will prepare a report for the annual meeting. The financial secretary will send quarterly and calendar year status reports to each contributor.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of financial secretary, the council will appoint an interim financial secretary to serve until the next annual meeting.
In addition to the officers and board chairs, the following will also be members of the church council.
The moderator elect of the congregation will be elected at the annual meeting for a one-year term and may be reelected for a one-year term. The moderator elect is expected to be a candidate for election as moderator. The moderator elect will carry out special assignments as requested by the moderator or the council. In the absence of the moderator, the moderator elect will exercise all powers granted to the moderator by the bylaws.
If, for any reason, the moderator is unable to serve out a regular term, the moderator elect will assume the duties of moderator and will serve out the balance of the moderator’s term.
The immediate past moderator will serve as a member of the council.
Members-at-large will be elected at the annual meeting for a one year term in the number of one for each 100 members of the congregation or part thereof. They may be reelected, but they may serve no more than two consecutive terms.
Members-at-large will serve on the council representing the congregation rather than a specific board.
Each board will elect a chair, vice chair and secretary at its first meeting after the annual meeting and provide these names to the moderator. Board chairs will be members of the church council and if unable to attend a council meeting, will designate another member of the board to attend. The outgoing chair will continue on the council until a new chair is elected. Board members will be elected for three years with one-third to be elected yearly. It is recommended that no member serve more than two consecutive three-year terms. After a lapse of one year, a former member may be re-elected,
Boards will meet monthly or as often as is required to conduct their business. A quorum will be a majority of the voting members of each board. Board chairs may obtain input from absent members on specific agenda items via telephone or email and include such input in the meeting minutes. This will allow these members to be counted as present to establish a quorum.
Each board will work closely with the Board of Finance to develop their annual budget. In addition, each board will prepare a report for the annual meeting.
The board chair, or a designated alternate, is responsible for approving all expenditures against its approved budget. Expenditures in excess of the approved budget, or outside of it, must be coordinated with the Board of Finance.
Members and friends of the congregation are encouraged to participate in the life of the congregation by attending meetings of and/or working with the various boards, with the exception of the Board of Pastor-Parish Relations.
The Board of Christian Education will consist of up to 6 members of the church. It will meet monthly or as often as is required to conduct its business. It will be responsible, with the minister, for the employment and supervision of any Christian Education staff member.
This board will foster programs for all ages leading to a better understanding of the Bible and the dynamics of the Christian faith. These programs should encourage spiritual development, practically applied, to improve individual lives and contribute to the betterment of society through Christian action.
The Board of Christian Education will review applications for awards from the scholarship fund and may recommend candidates and amounts for awards to the Board of Finance for council approval.
The Board of Church Fellowship will consist of 6 persons attending the church. The purpose of the board is to coordinate church fellowship activities.
The Board of Deacons will consist of up to 12 members of the church.
This board will cooperate with the minister in caring for the spiritual interest of the church and community in such ways as preparation for the sacraments, for the orientation and reception of new members and for memorial services. The deacons will aid in comforting the sick, the poor and the sorrowing.
This board will assure that the sanctuary is properly prepared for worship including special and seasonal events.
The board will be responsible for the purchase of and placing of bricks in the Memorial Walk.
Memorial gifts will be acknowledged by this board. Section 4 – BOARD OF MISSIONS AND OUTREACH
The Board of Missions and Outreach will consist of up to 7 members of the church.
This board will encourage participation in, and congregational giving for, missions on a local, national and international level. It will coordinate giving related to all mission projects, with special collections during the year. This board will inform the congregation about and encourage its participation in programs relating to peace and justice according to the ethos of the United Church of Christ. Particular attention will be paid to programs related to the wider work of the church as suggested by the National Bodies and the Florida Conference of the United Church of Christ.
The Pastor-Parish Relations Board will consist of 4 to 6 members of the church, 1/2 of whom will be selected by the pastor.
This board will support and maintain an open and healthy relationship between the minister and members of the congregation to enhance their mutual ministry. The board serves as an advisory group to the minister, as support for the minister’s leadership, and makes recommendations for changes in compensation, based on a performance evaluation.
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The board is concerned with each staff member’s wellbeing, fostering a healthy relationship among staff members and the congregation and mediating unresolved staff complaints. In addition, this board will act as appeal board for unresolved issues between a staff member and his/her supervisor.
Members of this board must maintain confidentiality in all issues brought before them; therefore, regular meetings will be restricted to members of the Pastor-Parish Relations Board.
The Board of Finance will consist of the treasurer, the financial secretary, the bookkeeper and up to 2 members of the church.
This board will strive to develop within the church membership an understanding of the meaning of Christian stewardship. It will plan and conduct the annual pledge drive and capital campaigns as required.
It is the responsibility of this board to plan and oversee the financial program of the church. It will annually prepare a financial plan for the ensuing year for approval by council and at the annual meeting. It will also provide for periodic audits of financial records of the church.
This board will be responsible for arranging all insurance coverage for the church.
This board, in conjunction with the other involved boards and the minister, will review all financial arrangements between the church and its employed staff and outside contractors.
This board has responsibility for asset management for St. Andrew UCC. It also has oversight of planned giving programs. Five percent of the development, facilities, and publicity endowment funds’ values, as of December 31 of each year, may be included in the next fiscal year’s budget for the church operating fund. When very critical needs of the church exist, and with approval by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the annual or a specially-called meeting, up to 20% of the current value of these funds may be withdrawn in any fiscal year.
This board will be responsible for investing all church money. It may recommend programs to establish, eliminate or change funds within the existing financial structure. It will administer the capital expense, contingency, development and endowment funds as well as bequests and other special use money that may be given to the church.
This board will develop a comprehensive educational program for planned giving and, with the minister, present it to the congregation. It may receive bequests and life
income gifts in accordance with existing policies and procedures and in a manner that contributes to and complements the stewardship and financial health of the congregation.
The Board of Trustees will consist of up to 9 members of the church.
The board will be responsible for, and oversee, the following: care and maintenance of all buildings and grounds and communication with the church sexton, whose specific duties will be delineated in the job description. These responsibilities will be done in cooperation with the minister.
The custody and care of said properties will not include the power to mortgage them (see Article XI). The board may sell or dispose of any personal property of the church with prior approval of the council. It will also maintain an inventory of church property and update it annually.
All expenditures relating to capital improvements, purchase of equipment and maintenance must be approved by majority vote of the board of trustees. The chair will obtain prior approval of the board of stewardship and finance and the council before obligating the church for expenditures above and beyond the approved operating and capital budgets.
The Board of Trustees must have council approval to accept any gift of personal or real property to the church.
This board will be responsible for the care of the Memorial Garden and will assure that a trustee will be available for Memorial Garden services as outlined in the “Memorial Service and Interment Regulations”
If the sexton is a member of the church, it is advisable to have him/her be a voting member of the Board of Trustees.
The Nominating Committee will consist of the clerk and two other persons to be elected by the congregation at the annual meeting. The past moderator and the minister will be ex officio members. The committee will elect its chair and secretary. The chair must be a member of the church. He/She may be requested to make reports to the council from time to time.
The committee will function throughout the year to seek appropriate leaders for all elected positions. It will prepare a slate, listing a nominee for each position to be filled, for presentation at the annual meeting. These nominations will be printed and available
not later than 14 days prior to the called meeting. There may be nominations from the floor, provided the consent of the nominee has been obtained prior to the meeting. Vacancies on boards and committees may be filled by council appointment from candidates submitted by the nominating committee to serve until the next annual meeting.
In the event a pastoral vacancy arises, the church council will appoint a search committee of nine members of the church, two of whom are members of the Pastor-Parish Relations board. This committee will make a thorough search and evaluation of available candidates, using guidelines provided by the Florida Conference of the UCC. With the approval of seven or more members of the committee, a candidate will be invited to lead a worship service. In preparation for this service the committee will obtain approval from the church council of the proposed call letter and request the council to call a meeting of the congregation for the purpose of selecting or rejecting the candidate.
Approval will be confirmed by a two-thirds favorable vote, by paper ballot, of members participating. The candidate and the Florida Conference will be notified in writing by the committee chair of the results of the congregational meeting.
When a candidate is not secured, the search committee will repeat the process until the vacancy is filled.
The Membership Committee, within the purview of the Board of Deacons, will consist of the treasurer, a member of the Deacons and the clerk. The committee will annually review the membership list and make recommendations, relating to changes in membership status, to the Board of Deacons for their approval.
St. Andrew UCC will participate in the programs and activities of the Florida Conference of the United Church of Christ. The church will be represented at the annual meeting of the Conference in accordance with the bylaws of the Florida Conference. The moderator, with the approval of the council, will appoint lay delegates.
St. Andrew UCC will also participate in other ecumenical organizations and events as authorized by the council. A layperson(s) may be appointed by the moderator to attend these meetings.
The church may acquire property, both real and personal, in its corporate name by purchase, gift, devise, bequest, or otherwise, and own or dispose of property for such work as the church may undertake. It may also rent, lease or otherwise encumber such property for the general purpose of the church. It may receive and hold in trust both real and personal property and invest and reinvest the same. It may make contracts for promoting the objects and purposes of the church.
Whenever the Board of Trustees or the Board of Finance deems that the interest and goals of the church will be best served by subjecting the church to bonded or mortgage indebtedness as authorized by Article II of the Articles of Incorporation, said board shall request the church council to call a meeting of the congregation to request authority to incur such indebtedness on behalf of the church.
Upon dissolution of the church, its assets and all property and interests, including any devise, bequest, gift or grant contained in any will or other instrument, in trust or otherwise, made before or after such dissolution, shall be transferred to the Florida Conference of the United Church of Christ.
The bylaws of the church may be amended at the annual meeting or at a duly called special meeting of the congregation. Copies of the proposed changes will be available in the church office, sanctuary and Stewart Hall 14 days prior to the scheduled meeting.
Roberts’ Rules of Order, Newly Revised, will be the parliamentary authority on all matters and procedures not covered in these bylaws.